Q-2: The atomic spectrum of Li 2+ should be similar to that of. Hence, the line spectrum is also called atomic spectrum. at a lower potential energy) when they are near each other than when they are far apart. Explanation: Line spectra are obtained as a result of absorption and subsequent emission of energy by the electrons in the individual atoms of the element. Planck’s Contribution Energy is quantized in some systems, meaning that the system can have only certain energies and not a continuum of energies, unlike the classical case. In fact, the same chemical will interact differently with differently colored beams of. Explain why atomic spectra indicate quantization. No allotrope of phosphorus exists that I can simply generate a. Different chemicals behave differently when struck with a beam of light. This is caused by oscillating atoms and molecules and their interaction with the neighbours. The excess energy can be provided by heat, light, or electrical discharge. However, electrons can be excited to high energy states when they absorb excess energy. Such an atom is said to be in the ground state.

Also, this radiation has a continuous distribution of several wavelengths with different intensities. Electrons in atoms normally occupy the lowest energy states possible. \) indicates that the electron-nucleus pair is more tightly bound (i.e. I have a sample of 33.33 fluorine/66.66 helium in a sealed glass ampoule. The author explains why elements and ions exhibit line emission spectra, and why different elements have different line. Atomic Spectra All condensed matter (solids, liquids, and dense gases) emit electromagnetic radiation at all temperatures.